Pastoral Care
Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form prides itself on the outstanding quality and strength of its pastoral care. Our highly skilled heads of year and their tutor teams are dedicated to supporting the pastoral and academic welfare of the students in their charge. This outstanding and compassionate team will ensure your child succeeds academically, socially and personally.
Woolwich Polytechnic, like any high-achieving organisation, is anchored in a celebration of its achievements. We celebrate a diverse and multicultural community and academic, sporting, social and cultural successes.
Our celebratory ethos inspires our boys to reach their potential by praising and rewarding their success.
The pastoral team forges close links between parents, students and tutors to ensure that your child understands the importance of good manners, respect and academic achievement.
Form Time
We have been recognised by OFSTED as having an outstanding pastoral system. This is predicated on the premise that every student matters and that every conversation is important. It is essential that you settle into sixth form very quickly and that you feel like part of the Poly family from the outset. Personal development has equal importance to academic performance: both skill sets are crucial to your journey into the world of work, and we will offer plenty of opportunities to develop, not only your skills within the classroom, but also beyond it.
In order to mimic university life, we have faculty form classes; this means you will be spending form time with tutors and other students who share the same interests as you. This also means that you can make the most of peer mentoring in the mornings by supporting each other in your studies, as well as sharing your knowledge of current affairs based around the subjects you are taking.
Both your Head of Year and Form tutors will take you through your two years of Sixth Form. You will be offered UCAS support and guidance by our highly experienced sixth form teachers, as well as information and guidance on higher apprenticeships and employment.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Woolwich Poly Sixth Form, we pride ourselves on the pastoral support that we offer, particularly ensuring that our students are in a safe and supportive learning environment. We recognise that positive wellbeing and good mental health is vital for our students’ attainment and progress as well as setting out to become caring individuals with a sense of responsibility towards others and leaving us as successful and strong individuals.
There is an explicit focus on this within our personal development programmes, morning tutor time and assemblies; more widely with guest speakers, extra-curricular activities, trips and visits, as well as in the everyday ethos and work of the School. Our heads of year are fully trained and continue to develop their professional qualifications by continuously attending training.
We encourage students and parents with any concerns to get in touch with us.
- Parent’s survival guide
- Samaritans: 116 123
- Childline: 0800 1111
- Mind
- Gendered Intelligence
- Metro