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  • Studybugs - The new way to report student absence!

    Published 21/06/23

    Dear parent/carers, 

    We are pleased to announce that Woolwich Polytechnic Boys is introducing a new, more efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence due to illness, called Studybugs.

    If you haven’t already, please get the free Studybugs app, or register on the Studybugs website, and use it to tell us whenever your child’s ill and unable to attend school.

    Get the app or register now:

    Top 3 reasons to use Studybugs
    1. It’s integrated with our systems, so we know right away if your child is unaccounted for.
    2. It’s quick and easy to register and use and automatically reminds you to keep us posted.
    3. You’ll be helping the NHS and other public health organisations improve children’s health.

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  • Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form Springboard Programme 2024

    Published 18/07/24

    Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form Springboard Programme 2024

    Thank you to our alumni that joined us in the culmination of our Springboard Programme - our annual taster days for incoming year 12 students.

    We were lucky enough to have 30 alumni from 2017-2024 share their own personal experiences as Sixth Formers and beyond, offering tips and advice for success for the next generation of Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Formers.

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  • Mental Health in Schools Team support during Summer Break 2024

    Published 05/07/24

    We wanted to give you an update on how we plan to prioritise and offer our MHST interventions during the summer break.

    • We will continue to accept referrals for 1:1 guided intervention for Child Anxiety and Challenging Behavior- Parent/career . 
    • Parents or young people can refer by emailing the following information to MHST via the Greenwich MHST email address Name, D.O.B, School, contact name and number, current difficulties.
    • We will be putting all targeted group interventions on hold till September when Schools resume.
    • If you are interested in any of our workshops or targeted groups for pupils/parents/staff, please contact your MHST link practitioner.

    Thank you for your collaborative work with our team.

    Kind Regards

    Greenwich Mental Health in Schools Team 

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  • Year 13 Graduation & Thorpe Park Trip

    Published 02/07/24

    Sending off the Year 13s in style!

    Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form Class of 2024 marked another milestone with their graduation breakfast and celebration trip to Thorpe Park taking place on Friday 28th June 2024.

    Congratulations to all our Year 13 students.

    We are looking forward to A Level Results Day on Thursday, 15th August – we're excited to see everyone there!

    #woolwichpolysixthform #woolwichpolytechnicsixthform #classof2024 #year13 #thorpepark #graduationbreakfast #woolwichpoly #woolwichpolytechnic #thamesmead #greenwich

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  • Calling all 16-20 year olds: Reimagining our streets FREE workshop!

    Published 29/05/24

    As part of the 2024 London Festival of Architecture, not for profit organisation, HomeGrown Plus, is joining forces with architecture practice Pilbrow & Partners to lead a design workshop for 16-20 year olds to reimagine the city and their place within it.

    Over a 3-hour collaborative session, the group will come together to find imaginative solutions to redesign London’s spaces and places, examining how this could benefit them as well as future generations.

    You will need to bring along recycled materials, from a cardboard box to a plastic bottle (anything you would usually throw in the bin), and be encouraged to dream up alternative solutions to the way we use and develop our built environment to create a more equitable, sustainable and resilient city.

    The resulting models and drawings will be on display at Pilbrow &Partners’ Clerkenwell reception throughout the month of June.

    There is space for 20 participants and refreshments will be provided for the duration of the workshop.

    Reserve a spot now!


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  • FREE events & activities in Greenwich during May half term 2024

    Published 17/05/24

    Please find below a list of useful links for free events and activities available locally during the upcoming May half-term:

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  • Introducing Professor Higgins, our esteemed Dog Mentor

    Published 17/05/24

    Introducing Professor Higgins, our esteemed Dog Mentor at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls and Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys

    Professor Higgins is our friendly school dog. He became part of the Poly family as our Dog Mentor in 2022 at the tender age of 6 months old.

    In order to gain this title, like any student, he had to sit an exam to ensure he had the right temperament for school life, which included testing his skills such as patience, positivity and teamwork.

    Higgins specialises in working with students to reduce anxiety, to encourage social skills as well as helping students who are at the early stages of grasping the English Language. He is also very good at helping students understand the body language of dogs. This is useful when working with students to overcome their fear of dogs as this allows them to feel confident when out in public, including our Royal Borough’s green spaces.

    Higgins has a variety of hobbies, beyond the school gates, ranging from swimming (in any body of water, particularly in muddy streams) and even modelling!

    Professor Higgins works on a voluntary basis. Like any member of staff, our Professor has his own timetable. This means he avoids the corridors at change of lessons as well as the playground at break and lunchtime.

    The safeguarding and wellbeing of our students and staff come first in our Poly family - this includes the wellbeing of Professor Higgins. For this reason, our school community follow these guidelines:
    • Keeping our voices soft and calm (to stop him worrying that we are upset)
    • Asking before stroking him (he might be on his way to a lesson and won’t want to be late!)
    • Picking up any food that we may drop on the floor in the dining hall or playground (some human food can make him ill)

    We believe Professor Higgins is the ‘paw-fect’ Dog Mentor 🐕 💙

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  • PolyMAT - The first Trust in London to be awarded Investors in Diversity Silver Award!

    Published 08/05/24

    PolyMAT - The first Trust in London to be awarded Investors in Diversity Silver Award!

    We are delighted to announce that PolyMAT has achieved the Investors in Diversity Award from the National Centre for Diversity. We look forward to building on this success in the future.

    As the first Trust in London to be awarded Investors in Diversity Silver, this achievement recognises the value PolyMAT place on creating a truly inclusive culture where everyone feels celebrated and valued.

    The Investors in Diversity Award for Schools is a framework designed to help schools to review their current FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) practices, in line with the latest Ofsted legislation. Diversity and inclusion is extremely important to our growth and development, and we will continue to promote this throughout our business.

    PolyMAT’s final report demonstrated the value that students and staff placed in PolyMAT’s supportive environment: Staff members noted that leaders maintain open-door policies, ensuring accessibility for addressing any concerns or seeking guidance. They expressed feeling supported, knowing their voices would be heard, enabling them to provide feedback, suggestions, and seek assistance when necessary. Staff also described how positive leadership and management behaviours were encouraging them to emulate them.


    CEO of Polymat, Mr Tim Plumb comments,

    “I take pride in our commitment to diversity and inclusion, as demonstrated by our recent achievement of the Investors in Diversity Silver award. Our dedication to celebrating diversity and fostering inclusivity within the trust is unwavering and we have worked exceptionally hard over the past few years to advance and promote EDI which has included a number of significant and vital changes to our operations.

    Every member of staff within our trust has contributed to our journey by making our schools such warm, welcoming, and inclusive places to work and for our students to thrive and study. Our employees are our top priority and creating an inclusive work environment with a positive culture is essential to our people-focused strategy. A huge congratulations to everyone in our trust for all their hard work in helping us achieve this award. We are delighted to receive the Silver Award, and this will play a crucial role in shaping our long-term EDI plan, supporting us on this ongoing journey.”

    National Centre for Diversity

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  • Year 13 Biology Trip to University of Greenwich

    Published 07/05/24

    Year 13 students visited the University of Greenwich (Medway Campus) on Monday 29th April, to participate in a DNA Taster Day. The day's activities included setting up Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), running gel electrophoresis, visualising gels, interpreting results, attending career talks, and exploring the campus on a tour.

    This trip was particularly valuable at this time as it helped to consolidate the students' theoretical knowledge of Module 6 - ‘Manipulating Genomes’. The hands-on experience was fantastic, and the staff were exceptional. This trip was facilitated by Dr. M Oguike and Dr. C Isamah.

    Greenwich University #GreenwichUniversity #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpolytechnicsixthform #Polymat #polymatschools #thamesmead #greenwich


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  • Important information for current Parents/Carers - Hayfever season

    Published 29/04/24

    As it is hayfever season students are now likely to display symptoms of hayfever which include swollen red eyes, a runny nose, sneezing etc.

    Please can all students who are known to suffer from hayfever be given antihistamine (cetirizine hydrochloride) each morning before they arrive at school. 

    If you have not already done so, please ensure that you use the MCAS (My Child At School) app to provide parental consent for over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines, paracetamol, ibuprofen and strepsils.

    Click here to view the NHS page for Hayfever

    Click here to view our Medical & First Aid webpage which is updated regularly

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  • London Youth Homeless Prevention Service

    Published 25/04/24

    Last week at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys we welcomed staff from the charity Depaul to speak to our Year 10 and 12 students.

    The Depaul charity work with local communities across the country to prevent and relieve the impact of homelessness on people’s lives. They prioritise young people, who are among the most vulnerable in society, and especially those who have previously had traumatic experiences.

    The Depaul Group was founded in 1989 in response to the growing number of homeless London youth sleeping rough on the streets. Today, Depaul International charities work around the world, going where the need is greatest.

    Click to download LONDON YOUTH HOMELESS PREVENTION SERVICES Providing tailored support to 11-25 year olds to help prevent homelessness in London

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