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Independent Study & VESPA

The vast majority of our students have 6 lessons of supervised independent study every week. In the Sixth Form at Woolwich Poly, we utilise the work of Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin in 2012, who are both teachers with over 40 years’ experience, from extensive research and ideas to support our students develop their independence. VESPA draws extensively on academic research and classroom experience to develop a system that supports student learning, helping every learner become the best they can be. All learners need systems and often these are not fully embedded at GCSE thus students are often overwhelmed with the leap to A-level.  

VESPA draws together current thinking from psychology, business and sport to inspire, motivate and support students ensuring they achieve their full potential. It aims to cut through the noise surrounding character development to discover common behaviours and characteristics that all students need to be successful.  

You must have the right study skills, the right environment, the right mindset and the right attitude and commitment – and not just for one day, one week or one month, but, ideally, throughout the two years. 

So, what is VESPA?

VESPA is about changing your mindset and giving you the skills needed to sustain your success throughout your A Level journey.  

We have utilised these 5 concepts in our everyday occurrences at school including in lessons, assemblies and form time activities. This is introduced in January for year 12. 

The 5 ideas of VESPA are: 

The VESPA Model infographic

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SE28 8AT