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Many students opt to pursue A Levels at Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form, aiming to advance to university. Equipped with the necessary skills for success, it is wonderful to witness the majority of our students securing spots at their first choice of university. These students embark on diverse academic paths, from conventional fields like Law, Engineering, or Medicine to more creative disciplines such as Fine Art or Theatre Studies.

While university choices fluctuate each year, our Sixth Form has a strong track record of assisting students in securing spots at prestigious universities.

University Destinations 2023-2024

Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form - Class of 2024 Destinations

Take a look at the impressive list of prestigious universities and cutting-edge institutions that our Year 13 students from 2024 have enrolled in all across the UK.

A total of 44 universities welcomed our students, including 13 from the prestigious Russell Group. The Russell Group comprises 24 elite, research-focused universities renowned globally.

Additionally, several students have embarked on esteemed degree apprenticeships with leading companies such as Barclays, Jaguar, KPMG, and OfCom.

Infographic of Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form Year 13 Destinations on a map of the uk


university destinations 2022-2023

Destinations 2022-2023
  • University - 75.8%
  • Employment - 13.2%
  • Apprenticeship - 5.8%
  • Education - 4.7%
  • Internship - 1%





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