Reporting student absence
As you may already be aware, we use the student absence reporting system called Studybugs. This system is quick and easy to use. The only way you will be able to inform the school of your child’s absence will be via Studybugs.
If you have not signed up to Studybugs, use the following link: Studybugs website
Reminder, please only register student absence only through the Studybugs app. Please do not use this app to report that your child is late. When a student is late to school, when they arrive they will sign in via our check in system at reception and will be marked in the register as late.
Thank you for your support.
Studybugs frequently asked questions:
What time should parents/carers report an absence by?
As early as possible, only on the day of the absence. You cannot mark an absence for a future day in the week.
What happens is a parent/carer does not report an absence?
An automatic Studybugs message will be sent out to the parent/carer. After 2 days of absence the form tutor will phone the parent/carer.
Can parents/carers still phone in to report absence?
No, we all encourage all parents/carers to use the Studybugs app.
Top 3 reasons to use Studybugs
- It’s integrated with our systems, so we know right away if your child is unaccounted for.
- It’s quick and easy to register and use and automatically reminds you to keep us posted.
- You’ll be helping the NHS and other public health organisations improve children’s health. (Studybugs website)
Click to download the Studybugs Parent/Carer Guide
Full attendance is very important if your child is to take maximum advantage of the opportunities available to them at school. We expect students to attend school every day unless there is a legitimate reason for their absence. If in doubt, send your son to school. Should he become ill, we will see that he is properly attended to.
Pupils receive certificates for 100% or very high attendance. A number of pupils have completed Year 11 without a single absence in 5 years! The average school attendance is expected to be over 96%.
Students are expected to arrive at school on time and should aim to be on the school site at least 5 minutes before the start of the school day. If your child is unavoidably late, they must sign in at reception as soon as they arrive. All students who are late to school will be expected to complete a 30 minute reset (detention) that same day. If your child has to leave the school premises at anytime during the school day, they should also sign out at reception.